Why Obama Will Lose
I really despise talking politics on my blog. But I just need to point something out. It's not left-leaning or right-leaning, Republican or Democrat. It's a simple statement of my opinion as to why the Dems will lose in November.
Hatred. Pure, mean-spirited hatred.
I have never seen as much as hate from Hollywood (did you watch the Emmys?), talk shows (Jon Stewart of the Daily Show hates Sarah Palin so much he can barely contain himself), and the rest of the media (looking at you Chris Matthews).
Here are two perfect examples.
Sandra Bernhardt warns Sarah Palin she would be gang raped by blacks in Manhattan.
And another...
Saturday Night Live Sketch suggests Sarah Palin's husband has sex with his daughters.
Very classy. Only not so.
I'm sure the first story gave Obama a migrane. The second is just sickening. As a father with a daughter, regardless of the political spotlight, I maintain such an allegation is never funny, even in jest. It's disgusting.
This election has gone so far off the issues it'll never go back. A year from now when we have whichever party in office, we'll all have gotten exactly what we deserve.
Hatred. Pure, mean-spirited hatred.
I have never seen as much as hate from Hollywood (did you watch the Emmys?), talk shows (Jon Stewart of the Daily Show hates Sarah Palin so much he can barely contain himself), and the rest of the media (looking at you Chris Matthews).
Here are two perfect examples.
Sandra Bernhardt warns Sarah Palin she would be gang raped by blacks in Manhattan.
And another...
Saturday Night Live Sketch suggests Sarah Palin's husband has sex with his daughters.
Very classy. Only not so.
I'm sure the first story gave Obama a migrane. The second is just sickening. As a father with a daughter, regardless of the political spotlight, I maintain such an allegation is never funny, even in jest. It's disgusting.
This election has gone so far off the issues it'll never go back. A year from now when we have whichever party in office, we'll all have gotten exactly what we deserve.