Selling Out
So here's the rub. I have an account on a popular MMORPG that I have let lapse and don't really have the time or desire (although sometimes I get the urge to "grind" for a bit) to continue. I'm really jonesing for an XBox 360 due to the imminent release of Halo 3. So the other day, a co-worker of mine found out I have a level 61 and level 55 that I'm not using. He's offered to purchase this account from me. Ok, this could be a good way toward my 360 (or at least a Wii).
My question: How much is a 54 Rogue and 62 Druid with a handful of purples worth?
My question: How much is a 54 Rogue and 62 Druid with a handful of purples worth?
The following account is being auctioned on eBay. After 4 bids the highest is $102.50 with six ys left in the auction.
Level 47 Hunter – Beastmastery spec’d, well equipted for level. 75 gold, many items in the bank/bags.
Level 65 Shaman – Elemental spec’d *Can be enhancement, the items are in bank* Gear is all from outlands quests, and instances. The only items that aren’t from outland are HW spellblade, generals boots, five thunder bindings. Exhalted with av. Average lightening bolt crits are 2.1-2.3k, non crits are 900-1200. 648 GOLD! FULL BANK OF ITEMS
Level 64 Rogue – Combat spec’d. Gear is mostly from outlands quests and instances. 4 items are from pvping. 19.15% crit. Weapons are HW blade, Extra sharp blade. Exhalted with AV, honored with WSG/AB. 517 gold, many items in bank
Level 60 Warrior – Fury spec’d, 22.19% crit, 344 gold, Many items are in his bags/ bank. Most items are from pvp, ubrs, quests items. Extremely well geared for his level.
Level 27 rogue
Level 22 mage these characters have the basic items for there level
Blackwing Lair
Level 52 Paladin – Retribution spec’d, 147 gold, items are from quests, well quipted for his level.
Level 42 Mage – Frost spec’d , 20 gold, very good items for his level. High crits!
Level 32 warrior
Altar of Storms
Level 20 mage
Level 29 paladin
Level 15 warrior
Unknown, at 8:38 PM
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