Soon To Be Classics

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Beating Stress

It's no secret from my last two posts that I have been under a great deal of stress lately. Work, weather and pretty much everything else has just beaten me pretty much as low as I have been of late. To remedy that, we lucked into an invite to a weekend getaway by a friend of Jen's.

We traveled to a town called Quincy, in mid-Washington state. It was about a 2.5 hour drive into the more desert like part of the state. If you haven't been to Washington east of the Cascades, it literally is a desert.

Quincy is down on the Columbia river, sandwiched between two sheer cliffs. The scenery is amazing. What's more amazing, is that this Twilight Zone like community is one giant party. People are friendly. There's one store, and one large winding switchback road that takes you from the cliff top to the bottom. I hiked that this morning and let me tell you, it was brutal. Picture 2 here is roughly how high we went.

We spent a lot of time in the community pool, had some amazing food, met a lot of new people and enjoyed the miracle of God's palette. The best thing is that it was hot. And sunny. I got way too much sun, my hair bleached a little and I'm burnt. I was using SPF 60 sunblock and still burned. Welcome to the desert, beeyach! It got a little cloudy at night but we still got to see two meteors, two killer sunsets and an awesome full moonrise.

Actually, the best thing was that there was no Internet, TV, and my cell phone wouldn't work. For some reason, Jameson wasn't enjoying it as much as we were.

Now we're just hoping to go back. Soon.


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