Double The Bauer...And Still No Thigh Shots

I'll ask you again. What happened to my dry cleaning?? It was hanging on the wall just yesterday!!
Ok, last night was double your pleasure of 24. And a lot happened. I had considered doing the entire entry in a haiku, but I got too excited seeing Jack wielding a double-barreled shotgun and it just doesn't work in that literary form.
- Tom is a weenie. No, he's a patriot. No, a weenie. Now he just became his assistant's bitch. "Get me the itinerary. Bitch."
- Would Secret Service really allow the world's worst terrorist to sit alone with Palmer? "We're just outside the door, Mr. Sucker...errr...President."
- Jack, sans helmet, gloves or arm protection is the first one in the door wielding a SHOTGUN!! It's DOOM baby! Boom! Boom! "This is my boomstick!"
- "I lost control Bill!!!!" You think?
- Bill will cover up anything for anybody. God love him. I wish he was my boss.
- Sorry blondie but you didn't even have a name, did you?
- "So Morris, how was your day?" "Oh, some asshole really drilled me about a programming project." "That's too bad. Coffee?"
- So, if the two metal plates need to touch for an electric current, why did Jack feel so comfortable about separating them with his SWEATY BARE HANDS?? Just askin'.
- CTU has setup a perimeter. Has that EVER worked? "Christ! There are sewers under this building? Dammit!"
- Marylin has been trying to forget Jack for 20 years. Well, that blows my theory about the kid being Jack's. That's ok, he's a weenie.
- But dad. Man. He's a dick. Jack is so going to shoot him in the thigh.
- Aha! There are Russians involved. And they're still pissed about the Cold War. And look, they have a bald, mean looking guy too! Everyone has one of those. (For those of you not keeping score at home, that's #4.)
- Whoa, Dr. Pepper Guy can drive. Sort of. Grenades? I think I would have thrown them, I don't know, AT the guys chasing you?
- Los Angeles is still very calm after a nuclear blast.
- Tip for terrorists and private security forces. Put the bomb INSIDE the cardboard boxes. Seriously.
Great episode. Not many dammits and no thigh shots. Oh, and Nadia is still smokin' hot. And she has a website.
How can you not be in love with a smoking hot 5'4" Latino who lists "Logans Run" as as one of her favourite movies.
Aussie-Askew, at 11:00 PM
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