Rest In Peace, Oh Floppy One
And to think that I started my computer career with punch cards and cassette tape drives. I remember when the floppy was new technology.
Still, he hung on valiantly. PC World has declared the floppy dead.
Still, he hung on valiantly. PC World has declared the floppy dead.
I never used a punch card, but I did save programs to cassette with my TI/99 and used a ton of floppies.
Funny thing... Macs have been without floppy drives for years longer than the PCs still hanging on to the past.
Shocho, at 6:54 AM
I remember our first home computer in 1986, an 8088 Leading Edge Model D. 4.77MHz, CGA monitor, and a state-of-the-art 20MB hard drive. You know what else we bought for it?
...a three-button mouse...:)
Anonymous, at 8:49 AM
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