Better Late Than Ever

I haven't gotten a chance to ramble about 24 yet, so I shall start now with the usual collection of weird ramblings. SPOILERS ahead. You've been warned.
- So Jack's dad is Zephram Cochrane, the inventor of the warp drive. That explains how Jack can get anywhere in LA in "10 minutes".
- Nadia is getting hotter each week, but she set off three "Uh oh's" this week. More in a moment.
- What funeral was Chloe on the way to when she got called into work this morning? Did they finally push Edgar into an open grave?
- Dr. Pepper guy (yeah, I know he's not the guy who did those annoying Dr. Pepper ads in the 80's, but he reminds me of him so that's what I call him) is the world's whiniest boss. Anyone who has ever worked under me is not allowed to comment on this blog.
- Aha! Bill Buchanan did something incompetent. Go figger.
- So let me understand this...15 arab detainees are beating the shit out of a guy in the middle of a armed detention facility and the FIRST person through the gate is the President's sister.
- UH OH #1 : Nadia is of Middle Eastern descent. Odds that she's the mole: 100 to 1.
- "The work you're doing for me has not gone unnoticed." - Translation: When I'm in front of the firing squad, I'll pull you in front of me.
- Presidential Address Tips 101 : Keep a picture of a President the public liked behind you at all times when you're on camera.
- UH OH #2 : Dr. Pepper guy logged her into HIS account. Odds that she's the mole: 20 to 1.
- I keep closing my eyes when Tom and Karen are fighting and pretend it's John Cage telling Ally McBeal how annoying she is. Is that weird?
- UH OH #3 : Nadia gave Dr. Pepper a knowing "I'd like to screw you right before I kill everyone in this room" look. Odds that she's the mole: 10,000 to 1. Too obvious. It's probably Bill.
- A red shirt got the drop on Jack. He is so fucked.
- "Gimmie back my gun." Pure Jack.
- Looooooong look at Marilyn. That kid is sooooooooooooooooo Jack's son. Just wait kids, there's another annoying Bauer offspring for next season. Someone wake the cougars.
- Has anyone been stabbed or shot in the thigh this season? I'm losing interest fast.
- I want to see Fayed at his hideout with "Dex" from the Qwest Dex commercials sitting on his kitchen counter. "Dex, I need someone to reprogram the triggers for a Russian suitcase nuclear bomb." "Oh, I know four people within 15 miles that can do that for you! Should I dial?" (I gotta skip over the commercials more)
- Team two to Team one...Team two to Team one...ah well, let's just wait. Oh look, a mushroom cloud!
Next week, Jack, his dad and the two red shirts dig a large hole. I presume, that the hold was already there because it would take 1 man (the other is "watching them") well over an hour to dig that hole and we just can't be bothered by watching a man dig a hole for an hour. Unless you count a Presidential address. Anyway, Jack and dad are staring into the hole. Guess who's going to end up in it. I predict that Nadia will just get hotter. Her and Chloe should never appear on screen together. I mean really.
Nadia can infiltrate my CTU anytime, no special pass codes needed.
That guy is SO the Dr Pepper guy, agreed.
Shocho, at 6:56 AM
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