Full Power on the Bullshit Detector
In case you haven't heard about it, Bill Maher had to help security remove an unruly, shouting, conspiracy theorist from the audience of a taping of his HBO show the other night. The full report of what happened can be read here.
So why am I declaring b.s.? A couple of reasons:
1) It's Hollywood, an industry that thrives on people doing just what I'm doing now. Talking about them and their narcissistic and desperate ploys for attention.
2) Maher, a narcissist in his own right, stands up and yells to security "Do I have to come down there and kick his ass?" Seriously. The host of a show would simply not do that. Ever. Plus, he really needs better writers.
3) With the high-powered guests that Maher has, it took security how long to get to this guy?
4) The protesters were also screaming about 9-11 conspiracies which makes them hecklers that NO ONE in the audience is going to defend when the host comes heroically running into the audience.
Maybe this whole thing is just symbolic of the impending Writer's Guild strike. They've run short of material already to make us think nonsense like this is real life.
So why am I declaring b.s.? A couple of reasons:
1) It's Hollywood, an industry that thrives on people doing just what I'm doing now. Talking about them and their narcissistic and desperate ploys for attention.
2) Maher, a narcissist in his own right, stands up and yells to security "Do I have to come down there and kick his ass?" Seriously. The host of a show would simply not do that. Ever. Plus, he really needs better writers.
3) With the high-powered guests that Maher has, it took security how long to get to this guy?
4) The protesters were also screaming about 9-11 conspiracies which makes them hecklers that NO ONE in the audience is going to defend when the host comes heroically running into the audience.
Maybe this whole thing is just symbolic of the impending Writer's Guild strike. They've run short of material already to make us think nonsense like this is real life.
I saw the "live" broadcast and couldn't agree more.
vbdizzydolphin, at 6:42 AM
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