Enjoy Your iPhone, Suckers
Here's positive proof why you should NEVER buy the first release of any electronic device. Not only was the iPhone plagued with issues when it released, what, 3 months ago, but it was also ridiculously expensive for a damned cell phone. Imagine the shock and horror that it is now suddenly $200 cheaper AND one model has already been discontinued. Read the full story here.
One guy in our office who just had to rush out and get one on the first day of release was bemoaning all day how his wife was going to kill him.
One guy in our office who just had to rush out and get one on the first day of release was bemoaning all day how his wife was going to kill him.
I didn't buy the discontinued model, so that makes me smart. I have very much enjoyed the months I have had my iPhone before the price was reduced. I have no buyer's remorse.
How long should you wait before making such a purchase? Ten years and get one for ten bucks on eBay?
Shocho, at 6:46 AM
I always say 6 months. That's usually how long it takes a company to a) identify technology issues and b) have a non-knee jerk response ready. Windows Vista is a good example of this. It released about 5 months ago and the official "fix" to many of the issues in it is due in mid-September.
Mkae, at 7:22 AM
The Razr phone came out at $500 with no service provider co-op program at first and exclusive to one carrier. The iPhone was not incredibly overpriced, at least compared to something like that. It did have a few bugs and is missing things I'd want for an expensive cell phone.
Some people just like hating on Apple. Of course some people just like defending them, what does that say about us? Seriously they make great products, just a bit more expensive than similar products.
TMac, at 8:56 AM
Oops, hit reply too fast.
All that being said, I agree 6 months to a year is good time to wait for the newest/greatest gadget.
TMac, at 8:57 AM
I actually don't hate Apple, I am just not a fan of their products. Their marketing is (mostly) brilliant but only in that it creates an unquestioning fan base that must have the latest ONLY because it is from Apple.
Update: Steve Jobs has responded to criticism by stating people who bought the iPhone for the original price will receive a $100 credit at the Apple store. (So that extra $200 you spent is being rewarded with an actual $20 of cost of goods back to the company. Awesome. :)
Mkae, at 8:01 PM
Bill Gates would never do that. I like Apple.
Shocho, at 8:58 PM
It'd be like re-releasing your best cards/figures/whatever, only cheaper and fixed.
"But I paid $50 for this card six months ago! And it won every time I played it! Why would they change that!?!?"
Jason, at 11:43 AM
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