And So Much For 2007
I really had high hopes for 2007.
2006, as years go, was crap for me. It started bad in January and with very few exceptions, never got better. That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the year. So I really thought that starting fresh in 2007 (I know, it's stupid to assume that the change of a calendar page is in any way a fresh start) would be possible.
So as part of that, I had decided a month ago to take better care of myself. I started by deciding to get rid of the growth on my left upper lip that developed after a bad shaving cut several years ago. The doctor tried to freeze it off last year, but it just came back worse. He said that we could just cut it off. So a couple of days after Christmas, I had it cut off. Standard operating procedure is to get a biopsy. Nothing serious, the doctor said.
Then, last night (January 2nd) the doctor calls me on my cell phone while I'm in my carpool.
The conversation went something like this....
"blah blah blah blah cancer blah blah blah blah cancer blah blah blah blah cancer.
Oh, and did I mention the cancer?"
So I'm in a car with two co-workers when the doctor uses probably the worst word in their latin-laced vocabulary. Hence, I started joking with him. I think maybe that confused him a bit.
The scoop is that the growth on my face is a basel carcinoma. It's not life threatening, and some websites I read said that its a nuisance at best. I understand that I'm not going to die from this but the procedure doesn't sound like fun. I have to get even more gouged out of my face so that certainly sucks. It does mean that I now get to ride the yearly train to search my body for even more cancer. Yipee.
I have to say that 2007 looked good for one whole day, then went straight to crap. I guess there's always 2008.
2006, as years go, was crap for me. It started bad in January and with very few exceptions, never got better. That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the year. So I really thought that starting fresh in 2007 (I know, it's stupid to assume that the change of a calendar page is in any way a fresh start) would be possible.
So as part of that, I had decided a month ago to take better care of myself. I started by deciding to get rid of the growth on my left upper lip that developed after a bad shaving cut several years ago. The doctor tried to freeze it off last year, but it just came back worse. He said that we could just cut it off. So a couple of days after Christmas, I had it cut off. Standard operating procedure is to get a biopsy. Nothing serious, the doctor said.
Then, last night (January 2nd) the doctor calls me on my cell phone while I'm in my carpool.
The conversation went something like this....
"blah blah blah blah cancer blah blah blah blah cancer blah blah blah blah cancer.
Oh, and did I mention the cancer?"
So I'm in a car with two co-workers when the doctor uses probably the worst word in their latin-laced vocabulary. Hence, I started joking with him. I think maybe that confused him a bit.
The scoop is that the growth on my face is a basel carcinoma. It's not life threatening, and some websites I read said that its a nuisance at best. I understand that I'm not going to die from this but the procedure doesn't sound like fun. I have to get even more gouged out of my face so that certainly sucks. It does mean that I now get to ride the yearly train to search my body for even more cancer. Yipee.
I have to say that 2007 looked good for one whole day, then went straight to crap. I guess there's always 2008.
My mother-in-law has some of this stuff. It's a major pain, and there are ongoing checks and treatments and stuff, but certainly manageable. Heather over a has something like this too, and has been describing it in her own inimitable way.
Sorry about that, but at least you're getting it taken care of, and that's terrific. The year has pretty much nowhere to go but up from here. :)
Shocho, at 7:05 AM
Sorry to hear about the'll be able to beat it though.
TheGirard, at 8:04 AM
Like I told you yesterday, you have our thoughts and anything you need just let Julie or I know.
TMac, at 8:22 AM
Hang in there. If Girard and I can beat the Big C, then so can you.
Hayden, at 10:32 AM
That sucks, dude.
Jason, at 8:47 AM
Remember, before you go into surgery, write "Not this bit" on your nose.
Aussie-Askew, at 1:52 PM
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