Save the What??

Did we? Nope, not a thing. The 'save' was actually pretty lame and a huge letdown. So Syler doesn't get her. Was the world saved? Do we know?
The other thing that's pissing me off is that the show intro on at least three occassions keeps referring to Claire's father as "the face of evil" and then two weeks ago states something along the lines of questioning whether or not he really is. Let me decide based on his actions if he's the face of evil. I don't need the idiot voice over telling me who is what. Just give me a good show and deliver on the promises. I'm hoping that Heroes doesn't go the way of Lost. Don't even get me started on this season of that.
I believe they said "in the next two episodes" you'd find out about that saving stuff. So far, it's been making much better progress than Lost in terms of solving mysteries. I like Lost too, but Heroes is more linear. IMHO, YMMV.
Shocho, at 3:56 PM
They said that prior to the last two episodes. So it was supposed to be revealed in this last Monday's show. Oh well, we know marketing is all lies, right? :0
Mkae, at 5:09 PM
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