Mac Propoganda

To answer their questions:
A. Elvis is alive.
B. The Internet is the world's largest group-hallucination behind "size doesn't matter".
C. Pluto is a planet. If you disagree, you can stick it in Uranus.
D. Macs run might.
Rosetta has been improved in the lastest Mac OS update. It seems to run just fine on my 20" iMac.
GiromiDe, at 7:06 PM
Can't stop laughing enough. I remember being called in about some tech support call for a Macintosh. I swear that I will eat my shoes the day a Macintosh is actually a usable computer in the normal office (my office, not Microsoft Office) environment. Trust me, it ain't gonna happen.
BubbaJoe, at 12:27 AM
Gee, like opening a Word document is so tough. How long could that take?
I don't care about this stuff any more, because I can boot in OSX and XP and I CAN RULE THE WORLD! OYSTER!
Shocho, at 9:45 AM
Office runs like a champ on my mac at work. Although I might not be such a "heavy" user as yourself. Those spreadsheets and Powerpoint presentations can get pretty big I bet, like 10mb even!!!
Dave(id), at 10:10 PM
You're so funny Mark. Let's compare apples to apples not apples to oranges. The Mac you ran was rebuilt and like 3 years past its prime and running an OS it wasn't set up for. Grab a computer designed for Windows 98 put XP on it and the latest office and then compare speeds.
TMac, at 5:15 AM
Hmm...another Apple convert I see. Sorry to see they got you too. There must be a large pod with the old Trevor encased in it somewhere!
Mkae, at 9:04 AM
I hope Apple really adds a spreadsheet program to iWork 07 as rumored. That would remove most of our dependence on Microsoft Office, leaving only Entourage.
GiromiDe, at 8:40 AM
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