An Eye For A Tigh

SPOILERS!!! If you didn't watch Battlestar Galactica last week, stop reading now.
I'm really happy that the last two episodes of Battlestar Galactica were much better than the 2-hour season premiere. The space battle last week, albeit brief, was simply amazing. Adama (both) was great and everyone turned in a superb performance, most notably Michael Hogan who plays Col. Saul Tigh. I thought he was a cartoon in the season premiere but the pain of his loss was very well portrayed last week. My big problem though, is WHY did he have to kill his wife? Things happen in war and everyone does things that might be questionable. Yes, her actions (strictly on his behalf) lead to at least a few deaths but haven't all of them been responsible for sacrificing lives at one point or another? I just thought it was a bit of a stretch. Obviously, there will be ramifications later (or, what if she turns out to be one of the as-yet-unseen Cylon models?) for Tigh. I just don't think it was necessary.
Please discuss!
I personally enjoy the fact that she is gone. I never liked her character, and in true wife-fashion screwed up her husband something fierce. I was starting to like hating her...
If she comes back as a Cylon, I will enjoy hating her again, but I seriously doubt that is the case.
Maybe I am just bitter that certain friends with girlfriends and wives don't get to just hang out any more...
BubbaJoe, at 9:38 PM
I agree that he didn't have to kill her. I thought he'd just kick her out on her bony ass or at least lock her up somewhere so there was no risk of her frakking any more Cylons.
As bubbajoe says, the only way that pays off is if she turns out to be a Cylon later. But if so, that would be some deep, deep cover she was under (ie, why sleep with Dean Stockwell when she could have just handed him the information willingly?)
Jason, at 12:48 PM
I'm actually kind of hoping they delve into Tigh's motivations in episodes to come, but I think sleeping with the Cylon may have been the last straw. Honestly, she's been pretty reprehensible all along. Two other possibilities: she isn't dead, just drugged and shows up somewhere else again, or... wait for it... she's a Cylon. (Of course, if she is, why didn't we see her in the Cylon-only scenes before? But then why didn't we see all twelve models in those scenes?)
Shocho, at 6:31 PM
We didn't see all twelve because they need to save some for future guest stars. Isn't it interesting that there are as many Cylon models as there are signs of the zodiac?
Mkae, at 7:01 PM
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