Civil War #4 - Wow!

I usually don't discuss comics on the blog, but Marvel has been doing a really cool series called "Civil War". Now, I work with some folks that decry any "event" comic and hoist themselves up as superior purists saying "I don't read events". Whatever. This is so far off-formula that it really does keep me hanging week after week.
I will say that I thought the original premise was iffy and the forced "friendship turned bad" relationship between Iron Man and Captain America was too similar to the on-again, off-again spatting between Superman and Batman. However, it's really taking a personal note as this panel illustrates. In CW#4, Iron Man and his pro-government band are just beating the loving shit out of Cap and his group. A death ensues, Marvel's oldest super-group disbands, Nighthawk remains the punk he's always been, and Reed Richards becomes the biggest dick in comics. All in all, this was a terrific read. A recent interview with the creators insist that the reader will soon see Iron Man's side and opinions will swing to the pro-government group. Not bloody likely. Cap is the Man and that's that.
Iron man's a tool and this series has been knock out amazing.
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