Soon To Be Classics

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Newsflash: Researchers are excited over satellite images showing what they believe could be Noah's Ark (yes, biblically-referenced Noah's Ark) embedded in a mountainside in Eastern Turkey on...wait for it...Mt. Ararat.

Ok, and why is this new? I vividly remember a movie 30 YEARS AGO that showed grainy pictures of the same damn thing. I can't remember the name of the company that released the film, but they did a series of films including UFO's, Bigfoot and the Noah's Ark legend. The Mt. Ararat connection is nothing new.

What is new, is the above photo which was actually taken in 2003. It was released in the hopes that someone will actually make the climb and look for themselves. According to the old film that I remember, the Turkish government refuses to allow any such expedition but there's no mention of such resistance in the new story.

I think what you need to do, is slip into the story about the horrible conditions the animals suffered while in the ark. This will draw outrage from PETA, who will mount their own investigation. Thinking there might still be animals on board, they'll rush to Turkey and scale the mountain hoping to fling open the cages and free them.

Here's the
story by the way if you want to read more.


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