Soon To Be Classics

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Here's Your Fifth Cylon

Laura Roslyn will be the fifth Cylon. Bet me.

Why? There were a few clues in this last week's episode and prior. The big one was the fact that Lucy Lawless' Number Three recognized one of the last five and pretty much apologized to the hooded figure. I take that to mean the shit that they gave Roslyn. Also, when Roslyn confronted Six in the brig, Six said "the five are close". Duh. That's the writers being coy.

Lastly, I have always hated Roslyn's character. Without doubt, she is the most smug and arrogant character on the show. No one will care that she ends up being the final Cylon.



  • Lastly, I have always hated Roslyn's character. Without doubt, she is the most smug and arrogant character on the show. No one will care that she ends up being the final Cylon.

    That's just what they're expecting you to think.

    Personally, I think they're going to bring back a 73-year-old Barbara Bain, with her Zimmer, just to fake you out.

    By Blogger Beanie, at 7:11 AM  

  • Correction: Barbara Bain is 77. Just released from rehab for free-basing Geritol.

    By Blogger Beanie, at 7:18 AM  

  • I thought it'd be Roslin, too, but my verbal cue from the ep was when Starbuck told Roslin "I'm no more of a Cylon than you are!" Tricksy.

    By Blogger Jason, at 6:47 PM  

  • I agree... it's Roslin. I actually think she was the first hybrid cylon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:50 AM  

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