Soon To Be Classics

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sinking in the Sunken Temple

Last night is the perfect example of why I hate random grouping in World of Warcraft.

Oftentimes, you'll meet wonderful people and have a great adventure. You add people to your friends list and your active gaming community exands wonderfully. Sometimes, you get the total tool that just leaves you with a sour taste.

I logged in around 9pm and was immediately pegged by Tom, Joe and Tee. They were doing Sunken Temple and needed a healer. (It's nice to be loved.) Joe, Kyle and I had a blast earlier hunting Devilsaurs in the Un'Goro Crater so it looked to be another grand adventure. I also had 3 quests there and an itching to get some revenge for a previous wipe in ST. The fifth member of the party, was a Dwarven Hunter named Cainan. Before we even got to the temple I realized that this guy and I were not going to get along. On the way to the temple, he's filling up the party chat with "I wish I was in a guild" and "I'm so lonely". Nice.

So we enter the temple and hack our way to the instance. At this point, Cainan insists that we "suicide" our way in. "Let's suicide into the instance! C'mon, jump!" Now, I should point out that none of us knew where the entrace to the instance was and he'd already taken off. Personally, I like the way Tom works and am happy to follow him into an instance. Unfortunately, Tom didn't know the way so we had to chase this idiot.

We make it to the instance and start hacking our way to Hakkar. Now the fun begins when Cainan starts doing stupid stuff like shooting the mobs that Tee trapped, pulling patrols that he wasn't watching for and telling us that he's following the action of another party in a high level instance. Eventually, I get killed because he pulled more than was necessary. As the healer, as soon as I cast that first heal, the mobs all turn on me as the biggest threat. It's nice to be loved, but not that much. And since my armor is about 1400 and my DPS is 43 I can't do much but die. The advantage that I do have is the ability to stealth my way back into the instance. So on my way back, Cainan starts saying "Dude! Go into Cat form! You can stealth your way back in here!" Now maybe I just didn't react well, but I basically told him to STFU and that I knew how to play my character. That made Tom laugh and was pretty much the last communication that I had with this tool. After my second death, Tom just called it. Cainan insisted on killing one of the bosses but Tom, as group leader, dumped him from the party. He was not happy.

So in retrospect, we got very little out of the run. Joe got a nice 14-slot bag, Tom got 1 dragon scale (I think he was hoping for a lot more) and I got about 1 gold and some XP.

Oh yeah, and I got one more name for the ignore list.


  • Frankly, I still had fun hanging with you three. I wish we would have had CK or Kendrick instead of that dork though. That guy was the perfect example of why people don't like hunters...when they are bad, they are the worst.

    His pet broke guys in sap (ice trap).

    He broke guys in sap (ice trap) directly. So I told him to use the arrow so I knew who he was going to shoot at. Not realizing that...

    He was using scatter shot, breaking guys in sap (ice trap...sometimes both at once!!!).

    But that was about all he was doing. He was well and truly the worst.

    By Blogger Tom, at 10:05 PM  

  • Sounds like you got a first-class idiot there, no junior grade he. Cheryl and I were with a pickup group in ZulFarrak that night, and suffering a rogue who kept running off on his own and causing trouble. Not as bad as your hunter, though.

    By Blogger Shocho, at 4:20 AM  

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    By Blogger DrHeimlich, at 11:50 PM  

  • Another wonderful illustration of everything I hate about MMOs. Try as hard as you might, you will sometimes find yourself at the mercy of the least common denominator, some other jerkoff whose idea of fun is (intentionally or unintentionally) ruining your idea of fun.

    By Blogger DrHeimlich, at 11:51 PM  

  • Oh, we still had fun Dr. Fun was letting his health get dangerously low before I healed him. Fun was berating him when he did stupid things. Fun was watching Tom drop him from the group.

    Remember, if you're ever not having fun, there's a button called "Leave Party". :)

    By Blogger Mkae, at 6:50 AM  

  • You guys still on Uther?

    By Blogger TheGirard, at 8:30 AM  

  • Yeah Mike, we're stil on Uther. At least some of us play their regularly but we all still pop in there from time to time.

    By Blogger Mkae, at 2:40 PM  

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