Soon To Be Classics

Saturday, April 15, 2006

So Cool, It's Scary

I have stumbled upon probably the coolest piece of software I have seen in some time. Yes, I know that I'm just adding to the insidious plot that Google has to take over mankind, but if these are the spoils, sign me up. Google Earth is (I guess) a new program that allows you to see, well, about anyplace on Earth that you want. You know how you've pulled up your house from a satellite photo? That's essentially what this is. However, this takes it about 100 steps further and it's just a lot of fun to play with.

I have been finding (not looking for, FINDING) places I used to live, work and other places that are important to me without entering in addresses. Using the interface, I'm able to pull these places up. Now, I've always been good at roads and directions so I can identify the landmarks. Still, this program makes it easy and it's a ton of fun.

Just for kicks, I put "Area 51" in the search bar. It zoomed in on the following image:

Yikes. Now, I have not been able to find the Great Pyramids (they don't have a Dex listing, you know) but I've seen the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty and inside your bedroom window. Kidding.

This is a free download and you can get it at


  • Here you go. You can thank me later.

    Google Earth has been in beta for a few months now, but what Google service isn't?

    By Blogger Kathy, at 4:43 AM  

  • If you saw inside my window you would no longer be able to see.


    My Dad was showing me this awhile ago. He was excited to see his cars from space.

    By Blogger DEATH_BY_MONKEYS, at 10:41 AM  

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