What Is Seen Cannot Be Unseen
We got into a discussion at the office the other day about bad movies. The question became, "...what movie would you 'unsee' if you could?" Meaning, if you could completely forget ever seeing a film, which would it be?
For me (and this will probably be unpopular amongst my blogging friends) the movie I would unsee is "Seven". I walked out of that film feeling I just dropped $6 to see the culmination of an author and filmmaker's drunken bet to see how depraved they could possibly get and have the movie get past the ratings board. It was nothing but the glorification of sadism and cruelty much in the same vein as the "Saw" films.
Oddly enough, another film I wish I could unsee is Death Wish. Although the movie was pretty much a joke, there's a rape scene in there (The victim was Marina Sirtis who went on to play Deanna Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation.) that bothered me for a long time.
So what is burned into your brains my blogging friends?
For me (and this will probably be unpopular amongst my blogging friends) the movie I would unsee is "Seven". I walked out of that film feeling I just dropped $6 to see the culmination of an author and filmmaker's drunken bet to see how depraved they could possibly get and have the movie get past the ratings board. It was nothing but the glorification of sadism and cruelty much in the same vein as the "Saw" films.
Oddly enough, another film I wish I could unsee is Death Wish. Although the movie was pretty much a joke, there's a rape scene in there (The victim was Marina Sirtis who went on to play Deanna Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation.) that bothered me for a long time.
So what is burned into your brains my blogging friends?
I honestly can't think of any movies like that. Maybe Episode II. When I start to feel that way about a movie, I get up and leave. I've done that more than once in the theater. So those movies, I guess I wish I hadn't seen the part before I left. (Seven is in my Top 100 movies.)
Shocho, at 6:32 AM
There are a few, for the same types of reasons as you mentioned:
My husband talked me into watching "The Audition" with him. I didn't even stay for the worst of it, apparently, and I'm not sure I've forgiven him yet.
Of all things, "Derailed". The rape scene at the beginning haunted me for MONTHS.
Likewise, I want to toss my cookies every time I think about "Requim for a Dream", although I still think it was masterful. It just wiped me out.
Beanie, at 11:47 AM
I'm not sure I've got a movie like that either. It sounds like you're talking about a film you found morally reprehensible or some such, but I don't know that I've ever really had that reaction. I've more just had the "I wish a had my two hours and $10 back" reaction.
I think if I really did have the power to "unsee" a movie, I wouldn't use it in the way you're suggesting. I'd use it so I could forget about having seen a really GOOD movie, and then I'd get to enjoy the thrills of seeing it again for the first time.
DrHeimlich, at 11:33 PM
I'm absolutely with you on the "Seven" vote. Prefer to not have that in my head, for sure. Why I watched the whole thing I don't know.
Requiem is almost there for me, it got me to swear off junkie movies, but the masterfulness of it keeps it off my list.
Thinking back, I have made good decisions about movies that would make this list, in that I never saw 'em in the first place. Like Saw... anything torture oriented like that, effing forget it.
The whole "unsee" idea is great.
As for the positive "unsee", to be able to see Raiders of the Lost Ark again for the first time, or The Matrix would be priceless.
Bpaul, at 9:13 AM
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